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Underwater Cameras

Underwater cameras


Everyone likes taking pictures and videos and the underwater is no exception. Especially in those moments you when  want to show how you were caught unexpectedly by a great white. The first thing you do is give thanks for still being alive and as soon as you get ashore -put it on YouTube.


As Digital Technology has advanced the quality of pictures and videos has improved immensely allowing for excellent quality underwater photography and videography. Even the novices out there can come away with some excellent pictures.


The more mega pixels your camera has the better quality your pictures will be. 16 mega pixels is now common for modern cameras.


You can find many extras on a camera and depending on your budget the sky is the limit; from GPS – Optical zoom – waterproof – going to depths beyond 30 metres – Wifi – video recording – Automatically recording where you are and many other features.
Things to consider are battery life and buying extras SD card, as the internal memory of underwater cameras is limited.

If you were any good in science at school you will realize cameras do not float, so make sure you have a clip on that can easily be used underwater, because losing that expensive piece of gear will be annoying to say the least.


Underwater Cameras for sale

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